Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The truth about a chinese PMP

I already wrote about the PMP i got from DealExtreme.

So it's time to tell what's the thing it is.

Audio player
- Sound quality is good. Maybe too good for this thing.
- Earphones are good too. 32 Ohms
- Built-in speaker sux. Like any other built-in speaker. Use earphones guys.
- Plays mp3, wav, wmv.
- has 6 equalizer presets: normal, dbb, rock, jazz, pop, live
- (!) Does not remember playing position, playing song.
- (!) Can't scroll playing position fast

Video player
- plays mp4, 3gp rather good.
- (!) can't remember playing position.
- (!) can't scroll fast.

- rather good (as almost any other mobile phone cam)
- 160x128 and 320x240 video size
- quality: high, middle, low
- effects: normal, negative, relief, binaries, sepia, blackwhite, shade shot

- photo size: 320x240, 640x480, 1280x960, 1600x1200 (i wonder how 300KP camera can handle last two sizes, maybe interpolated....)
- rather good quality: you know, it's better than Venus V900 camera. And faster, too.
- quality: high, middle, low
- something called "2D" and don't work. no idea what's this
- same effects as DV
- (!) you can't set up white balance, and EV+/-. it's automatic.

Picture Viewer
- no questions. usual pic viewer

- simple calculator

this device is really lack of touchscreen or keyboard. it's hard to pick texts symbol by symbol :(
using 4 keys jeypad.

- English-Chinese. LOL.

You can read txt files. But... English & Chinese only... No other languages. :(
No utf-8 support, i mean. FUCK.

NES emulator.
- (!) you can't set volume. it's always too fucking loud
- (!) FPS is slow.
- emulation quality: average
- (!) some cool features does not work. for example: double-left, double-right button hits. In some games like Battle toads, Jungle Book, it's really needed.
Well, some pc emulators don't have this feature, too.
- (!) you can't save game states. :( really suck.

SD support
- supports SD card up to 2GB

ATTENTION! This device has too low USB transfer rate. It's about 300 KBytes/sec and i think it's too slow. TOO FUCKING SLOW. When you upload a 250MB video, wtf!? You should wait 15 minutes.... This sucks. This always sucks, whether you use internal PMP memory or SD card. I can't understand how they can make a 2GB device with so fucking slow USB transfer rate.... :(((

Allright then. Anyway it's price ($38) makes me to forget about it's contra's. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

CCK EG100 Wristfone

Wow, got this nice thing a couple days ago, still can't finish testing it.
At DX:
CCK EG100 Triband 1.33" Touch LCD GSM Cell Phone Watch with Bluetooth Headset

but it's pink there, i got black from another Chinese shop (guess which).

With a 1GB T-flash, cool ;)
Will make review later :D